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The Lily and the Bull
by Moyra Caldecott
Bladud Books

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The eBook edition is available
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: Mushroom eBooks
ISBN: 1899142541
Publication Date: April 2000
Copyright date: 1979, 2000
Price: $4.99



The Lily And the Bull is a compelling re-creation of life in Minoan Crete – a world of magic and mystery, ritual and superstition, where past and present intersect, the forces of good and evil clash, and everyday life is charged with the supernatural...

Ierii, the daughter of the chief gardener at the palace, is in love with Thyloss, the son of the keeper of the Queen’s bulls. Thyloss, who is looking forward to a future as a bull acrobat – a position of great importance – finds his feelings for Ierii gradually changing.

But their hopes are shaken by events beyond their control.

The Minoan civilization, one of the greatest the world has known, suddenly and mysteriously came to an end sometime during the period 1600-1450BC, baffling present day historians and archaeologists alike. One of the most persistent theories is that it was fatally damaged by the immense volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Thera (Santorini).

This story charts the dramatic events during the last days of Ma-ii, a city on the north coast of Crete.


Publishing History:

1979: Rex Collings, London, ISBN 0860360679, hardback

1979: Hill & Wang, USA, ISBN 080906572X

1980: Corgi, London, ISBN 0552115568, paperback, under the pseudonym 'Olivia Brown'.

2000: Mushroom eBooks, Bath, England, ISBN 1899142541, RocketEdition


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