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Akhenaten: Son of the Sun
by Moyra Caldecott
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Publisher: Mushroom eBooks, UK
Date: 2000
Format: various ebook formats
ISBN: various
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I tell you this three millennia
after these events took place.
Mark them well.
They did not end with my death,
and they will not end with yours.

In ancient Egypt during the magnificent eighteenth dynasty the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his queen, the strong and beautiful Nefertiti, are engaged in a dramatic battle against the wealthy, corrupt and dangerously powerful priests of Amun.

Haunting and full of surprises, "Akhenaten: Son of the Sun" gives a fascinating glimpse into an ancient civilisation. It is a story about hate and love, despair and hope, but more than that it is the story of extraordinary spiritual and psychic powers being tested to their limits.

Based on the remarkable reign of Akhenaten in Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt, this story is told as if by a contemporary of his, Djehuti-kheper-Ra. It follows history as closely as possible on the evidence we have, and describes the political machinations of the time. But it also traces the spiritual journey of the protagonists, the journey on which we are all engaged whether we know it or not.

The story begins with the suffering of a boy oracle, or medium, about to be sealed alive into a pyramid chamber for three days so that he may "astral-travel" to the realms of the gods and plead for the waters of the Nile to rise, bringing life-giving silt to the farmlands. The story follows him through his lonely despair until he becomes the honoured companion of a king and an important figure in an extraordinary revolution.

At this time the high priests of the god Amun, brought to prominence by the female pharaoh Hatshepsut about a century before, are rich and powerful enough to challenge a king...

Akhenaten: Son Of The Sun is part of Moyra Caldecott’s acclaimed Egyptian sequence, which also includes Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun and Tutankhamun and the Daughter of Ra. Chronologically, Akhenaten: Son of the Sun takes place between the other two books, but it was written first.


Reviews of Akhenaten: Son of the Sun:

"Moyra Caldecott's novel is a good one, highly recommended." The Augustan, No.99 (US)

"The story of spiritual and psychic powers tested to their limits. More than a little reincarnational memory here. A lovely book." Gothic Image Books by Mail: New and Imaginative Fiction 1988

"I found this a well-written compelling novel in which the author has combined fact with fiction well..." Research into Lost Knowledge Newsletter No.29 Autumn/Winter 1986


Personal Testimonials:

"You seem to have a truly astonishing capacity for transporting yourself back to other ages. I wonder if, like Joan Grant, you actually have some kind of strange insight into the past that is more than just imagination." Colin Wilson, author.

"I have only just read your wonderful book "The Son of the Sun". I found it fascinating...
"I love the way you write and you brought the whole period to life quite brilliantly with a sinister undertone like a cobra waiting to strike. The love passages were treated with great sensitivity and tenderness. You have clearly gone a very long way along the path... I feel certain "The Son of the Sun" is your memory of Akhenaten's time..."

Audrey Browning, Greece, 6 Oct 1992.

"[Akhenaten: The Son of the Son] absolutely rings true... Your book is a living experience. All your books are, but perhaps "Son of the Sun" most of all... [Your books] convey a sense of purpose and timelessness."
Miss R Fitzpatrick, Sussex, England, 30 Aug 1986


First published 1986 as The Son of the Sun in hardback by Alison & Busby, UK.
Paperback edition with revisions published 1990 by Arrow Books Limited (ISBN 0099598604).


Last updated: October 24, 2005. Copyright � 1998-2005 by Bladud Books