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Mythical Journeys: Legendary Quests
by Moyra Caldecott
Bladud Books

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Publisher: Blandford, UK
Copyright Date: 1996
Format: 176pp. Paperback
ISBN: 0713727071
Price: �12.99
Availability: Out of Print

Copies may be available from Amazon Marketplace at or

The eBook edition will be available in several formats in early 2006. Please see Mushroom eBooks for more information.

Bladud Books will be publishing a Paperback edition in early 2006. Please check back for progress reports.

From the blurb:

"One of the most persistent themes in myth and legend from the world's many cultures is that of the story of the journey the quest. In this beautifully illustrated book, noted writer on the topic, Moyra Caldecott, shows the connection between the sacred, mythic journeys as found in legend and story and the real journey of the individual soul towards enlightenment.

"This perennial quest for reassurance in the face of human mortality is spread as wide as our existence on the planet and throughout history. Indeed Carl Jung and, more recently, Joseph Campbell have shown us that myth and legend are not just fantasy tales for children. They are powerful expressions, in code, of a deep yearning towards an understanding of human existence.

"Moyra Caldecott has selected material from many cultures to illustrate this point: from ancient Egypt and Sumeria to aboriginal Australia, pre-Columbian America, Vietnam, India, Africa and Europe. With each legend retold, she provides background on its origin and detailed analysis of its meaning and significance.

"Illustrated with specially commissioned colour paintings by Cheryl Yambrach Rose, and enhanced by additional drawings by Rachel Caldecott-Thornton, this book is both a visual pleasure and a truly informative work which will delight, entertain and fascinate."


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Last updated October 24, 2005. Copyright � 1998-2005 by Bladud Books